Wednesday, January 03, 2007

On This Occassion

It's the start of a whole new year, which is even better than the start of a new week. Thank God that New Year's Eve has now passed. Slowly, I'm getting a sense that Jan. 2 is a much better holiday than the others. If for no other reason than suddenly the pressure to make the proceedings days the "best days of the year" is gone.

I recently received the pleasure of the beloved LullaBelle. Lulla serves to remind me of the pleasures of slowing down one's life to the point where you can actually enjoy the joy of taking a deep breadth. I spend most of my day hustling to and fro from one file to another spending minimal time on each task yet endeavoring to obtain maximal output. This of course is an impossibility, just as trying to get wireless service free from my neighbors.

So much rides on the moment to moment existence that I don't pause enough to enjoy the overarching joys of Lulla's company or anyone else's company as a matter of fact. I think that my resolution this year should be about this: don't try to make each moment great or filled with meaning, but rather enjoy each moment for what it is. There is nothing special about one Saturday night over one Tuesday afternoon. They all have the opportunity of being the best of our lives. Take pleasures when and where they come.

I resolve to enjoy the life that I have and not the life that I imagine I should have because someone on tv tells me that I should. What is your resolution?

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